Stockholm Kendo Open 2024

We had an amzing turnout with 136 participanst from 41 dojos in 15 countries! It’s a fantastic feeling to welcome old an new friends from so many different places.

In total 425 matches were completed which is quite a staggering number.

Goodwill Keiko

As is a common tradition we started off with a goodwill keiko on Friday evening.

Individual Tournaments


We added a Kids class this year and event though there was only 4 participant (1 was sick) it was super cool to see them so engaged doing a round robin tournament. Hopefully this is a start of a new tradition.


We take pride in keeping an extra separate ladies class which hade a very decent number of participants and had a magnificent final match.

Ladies Class

Kyu, 1-2 dan och 3 Dan+ classes

One of the fun features of Stockholm Kendo Open is that the medalists of the open classes levels into the next.


Team competion

Our kachinuki team competition is so much fun and out of 34 teams, Team Pluseinäviärzg from Switzerland rook home the ceremonila spear and will for ever have their names attached to it.

Final adress at team competition and closling of Stockholm endo Open 2o24
Photo: Meijin Budoshop,


IndividualsKidsJuniorLadiesKyu1-2 Dan3 dan+
GoldE LagerkvistY KimuraT KimuraN ButovitschT HataS Strandell
SilverW ZechelM NIeN KarlssonD Chung SchwartzR RuiterT Uno
BronsL EkenäsK Isaksson
H Zechel
M Jagodic
Y Kröbl
A Kyzym
C Lu
T Nordin
N Roglic
T Kimura
Fighting SpiritJ LindahlO LindgrenY KröblA DechambenoitS VarsamiC Papworth
TeamsTeam NameSenpoChukenTaisho
GoldPluseinäviärzgL OetterliThais KimuraTadeu Kimura
SilverMay Be InjuredR RuiterS katerT Uno
K Oyaizu
M Arfert
E Jönsson
M Wohlfart
N karlsson
S Strandell

Find all tournament result details here


We find great pleasure in being able to offer dan-examination up to 5 dan and this year the kendo community is increased with

  • 12 shodan
  • 14 nidan
  • 5 sandan
  • 4 yondan
  • 2 godan

Well done everybody!

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