
The Swedish Kendo Federation is managing the examination registration. Rules and regulations can be found here (Swedish).

Direct any questions to isak.rubensson@gmail.com


Swedish applicants

Application closed

Non Swedish applicants

  • If you are a member of  an EKF affiliated organization, other than Sweden
    • you shall collect the examination approval from your national federation (they will approve it in EKF systems) before end of application date.
  • If you are a member of an non-EKF organization
    • you shall collect the examination approval in writing, scan it and send it by email to register@kendoforbundet.se with CC info@kendoklubben.se before end of application date and 
    • bring a copy of your current diploma to the examination.


A confirmation will be sent out before the end October 8. If you have not received such a confirmation by then, or if you find an error in your application, immediately contact isak.rubensson@gmail.com

Examination subjects

First subject is Kirikaeshi and Jitsugi. If applicant passes the Kirikaeshi and Jitsugi s-/he will move on to Nihon Kendo Kata.

Exam forNihon Kendo KataKirikaeshiJitsu gi
1 danTachi 1-5Yes2 x 1 min
2 danTachi 1-7Yes2 x 1 min
3 danTachi 1-7, Kodachi 1-3Yes2 x 1 min
4 danTachi 1-7, Kodachi 1-3Yes2 x 1,5 min
5 danTachi 1-7, Kodachi 1-3Yes2 x 1,5 min


Exam forApplication fee (SEK)Registration fee (SEK)
1 dan150200
2 dan200300
3 dan300500
4 dan500700
5 dan7001000


The application fee Shall be paid in advance, payment shall be in SEK and made out to to Kibo Dojo

The registration fee Shall be paid on-site after successful examination. Payment shall be made with Debit or Credit cards (Visa/MC)

Note: All bank fees shall be covered by the payee. Please make sure that the amount transferred to Kibo Dojo Kendoklubb is correct.

Paying from Sweden

Mottagare/RecipientKibo Dojo Kendoklubb

Paying from abroad

RecipientKibo Dojo Kendoklubb
IBANSE84 9500 0099 6042 0679 4895

Note: Bring a receipt or equivalent to the examination as proof of your payment